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  2021年8月, 安赛诊断很荣幸地与两家知名学术出版社共同赞助了在网上举办的第十八届国际电分析化学研讨会(The Eighteenth International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry,18th ISEAC)并应邀做了题目为 Wisely using high efficiency luminophores in ECL immunoassay 的学术报告。这是安赛诊断连续两次赞助国内顶尖学术会议,据不完全统计,至少有8名中国科学院院士和多名外国院士在本次会议上作大会报告。


A widely-held perception is that more efficient ECL luminophores generate more intense emission and thus lower the limit of detection. This is certainly correct when the analytes are the free ECL compounds themselves. The correctness is, however, challenged in heterogeneous ECL immunoassay, in which, the analytes are not the free ECL compounds. In immunoassay, the capability of detecting an anlyte at very low concentration relies largely on the antigen/antibody affinity and specificity. It is understandable that while a more efficient ECL label enahnaces the signal level, it also raises the background level of non-specific binding due to the more intense emission of the more efficient label.

  In addition to the well-known non-specific binding, the electrochemically generated background light emission of a buffer solution, free of ECL luminophore, contributes to the overall background. In this talk, the speaker will discuss the use of a more efficient ECL label to improve the signal-to-noise ratio by reducing the background of buffer solution. 


作为一家以技术为核心竞争力的创新型企业,安赛诊断将继续参与各类学术活动, 保持与相关专业领域的学者的紧密联系。

